Huldah was a prophetess living in Jerusalem; a contemporary of the prophets Jeremiah and Zephaniah. Huldah is introduced as the wife of Shallum, the wardrobe keeper in King Josiahs court (2 Kings 22:14; 2 Chronicles 34:22). Josiah sent his officers to ask Huldahs counsel concerning the book of the Mosaic law that had been found during the temple repair. She prophesied that disaster would strike the nation (2 Kings 22:16), but that Josiah would be spared because he was penitent and had humbled himself before the Lord (22:18-19). She declared the destruction would come after his death and that he would be buried in peace (22:20). Although Josiah later died in battle, he was properly entombed (23:30), avoiding the indignity of becoming prey for vultures. It was after receiving Huldahs advice that Josiah carried out his religious reform (2 Chronicles 35:1-25).