
Rebekah was the wife of Isaac, Abraham’s son. Her name means “well fed” or “choice.” It appears thirty-one times in Genesis (primarily in chapters 24-27). It also appears once in Romans 9:10.
Rebekah’s father was Bethuel, who in turn was the son of Milcah and Nahor, Abraham’s brother (Genesis 22:20-23). Abraham was her great-uncle and eventually, of course, her father-in-law. Laban, the father of Leah and Rachel, was her brother. Thus her son Jacob married his two cousins, who were sisters.
Genesis 24 tells of the successful search by Abraham’s servant for a wife for Isaac. He went to northwest Mesopotamia, an early civilization in the Middle East. The servant obeyed Abraham, who did not want his son to marry a local). She preferred Jacob, the younger, over Esau. She was a party to the deception of her husband in securing the right of the firstborn for Jacob. It was her idea to disguise Jacob to feel, look, and smell like Esau the outdoorsman. She also prepared Isaac’s favorite dish in order to make the event even easier (27:5-17).
Scripture records little more of her life. She was buried next to her husband in the cave of Machpelah near Mamre (Genesis 49:31).

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