The Appian Way was the main highway from Rome southward to the heel of the Italian peninsula. Originally, it ended at Capua. Later, it was extended to Brundisium, about 350 miles (560 kilometers) from Rome. It received its name from Appius Claudius Caecus, the Roman official who began its construction in 312 B.C. The Appian Way is referred to by ancient writers in a variety of contexts. Portions of the road still exist today south of Rome, with the original Roman paving intact in many places. One can still see ruins of some structures built along the original road.
The apostle Paul traveled on the Appian Way on his journey to Rome after getting off a ship at Puteoli (Acts 28:13-15). Christians from Rome came out to meet him in the vicinity of Three Taverns and the Appii Forum (marketplace of Appius). These were two of eight major stations known to have existed along the Appian Way. The Appii Forum was located 43 miles (70 kilometers) from Rome in the middle of the Pontine Marshes. Horace, writing in 6568 BC, complained of the noise and odor that assaulted those who stayed there. Three Taverns was located 10 miles (16 kilometers) closer to Rome.
Paul would have passed Bovillae, a village located about 11 miles (18 kilometers) from Rome. This village was the home of the family of Caesar Augustus. Much of the Appian Way from Bovillae to Rome was lined with tombs. Roman law forbade burials within the city of Rome, so it became common practice to bury the dead beside the major roads leading into the city.