Description: Tomb of the Judges, Jerusalem.
Description: Christ judged before Pilate.
Description: Moses had to judge many issues among his people. These people are defiled because they had to...
Description: The Good Shepherd dividing the sheep from the goats.
Description: With his left hand, the Israelite judge Ehud plunged a dagger into the belly of King Eglon, king of...
Description: Stephen, one of the seven deacons, was an unusually godly man, but when he was judged by the...
Description: Stephen, one of the seven deacons, was an unusually godly man, but when he was judged by the...
Description: The Sanhedrin was a council of seventy religious leaders in Israel during the time of Jesus. The...
Description: When Jonah preached to the evil people of Nineveh, he was frightened, telling them of God's...
Description: When Jonah preached to the evil people of Nineveh, he was frightened, telling them of God's...
Description: Warned by God to flee the destruction of Sodom, Lot ran with his wife and daughters, but Lot's wife...
Description: Sometimes tares, or noxious weeds, grew up with the wheat. Jesus told a parable of a farmer who...
Description: Sometimes tares, or noxious weeds, grew up with the wheat. Jesus told a parable of a farmer who...
Description: Sometimes tares, or noxious weeds, grew up with the wheat. Jesus told a parable of a farmer who...
Description: Sometimes tares, or noxious weeds, grew up with the wheat. Jesus told a parable of a farmer who...
Description: The Pharisees condemned Jesus for working on the Sabbath, such as healing a person, or letting his...
Description: The Pharisees condemned Jesus for working on the Sabbath, such as healing a person, or letting his...
Description: While David was still living, he arranged for his son Solomon to become king instead of another son...
Description: While David was still living, he arranged for his son Solomon to become king instead of another son...
Description: Samuel anoints Saul as the first king of Israel --I Samuel 10: 17-- 11: 15.
Description: Samuel anoints Saul as the first king of Israel --I Samuel 10: 17-- 11: 15.
Description: God gives Moses the Ten Commandments on tablets of stone -- Exodus 19--20.
Description: God gives Moses the Ten Commandments on tablets of stone -- Exodus 19--20.
Description: Why don't you show us some miracle? some Pharisees and teachers of the law demanded one day. Jesus...
Description: Why don't you show us some miracle? some Pharisees and teachers of the law demanded one day. Jesus...