Flagellation, Via Dolorosa (Jerusalem)
Description: Via Dolorosa, the Way of the Cross.
Description: Via Dolorosa in Jerusalem, the Way of the Cross.
Description: A street sign in Hebrew, Arabic and English marks the Via Dolorosa, the traditional way of the...
Description: Today the Via Dolorosa, the way of the cross where Jesus carried his cross, winds past the bazaars...
Description: On the Via Dolorosa in Jerusalem there are fourteen stations, or points relating to events of Jesus...
Description: The narrow streets and merchants' bazaars along the Via Dolorosa probably look much as they did in...
Description: The Via Dolorosa of today is about one story above the one in Jesus' time. Through the centuries,...
Description: Stephen's Gate and the Via Dolorosa.
Description: Scourge - Roman whip, with lead pieces to tear the flesh.
Description: On the way to His crucifixion, sometimes called today the Via Dolorosa, Jesus was forced to carry...
Description: Thessalonica.
Description: Thessalonica.
Description: Thessalonica.
Description: Thessalonica.
Description: Thessalonica.
Description: Thessalonica.
Description: Thessalonica.
Description: Thessalonica.
Description: Thessalonica.
Description: Thessalonica.
Description: Thessalonica.
Description: Thessalonica.
Description: Thessalonica.
Description: Thessalonica.
Description: Thessalonica.