Description: Saint Peter in Gallicantu Church, built over the traditional site where Peter denied Jesus.
Description: From Gallicantu, where one tradition says Peter denied Jesus, we see the Mount of Olives.
Description: From Gallicantu, where one traditional says Peter denied Jesus, we look southeast toward the Hinnom...
Description: Sign at St. Peter in Gallicantu Church, a traditional site where Peter denied Jesus.
Description: Roman steps from the Upper Room leading toward Gethsemane.
Description: St. Peter in Gallicantu Church, a traditional site where Peter denied Jesus. This is on the east of...
Description: Hazor, water supply.
Description: These steps were part of the winding staircase that led up one of the towers on the Jericho wall.
Description: Jerusalem, Dome of the Rock, Temple area.
Description: Old Roman steps leading down toward the Kidron Valley. Jesus and his disciples may have walked on...
Description: Gibeon, pool, a city of Benjamin, modern el-Jib; Joshua was deceived by the Gibeonites into making...
Description: Gibeon, pool, a city of Benjamin, modern el-Jib; Joshua was deceived by the Gibeonites into making...
Description: Gibeon, pool, a city of Benjamin, modern el-Jib; Joshua was deceived by the Gibeonites into making...
Description: Megiddo, Tell El Mutesellim, is in the Plain of Esdraelon, often thought to be the Armageddon of...
Description: Megiddo, Tell El Mutesellim, is in the Plain of Esdraelon, often thought to be the Armageddon of...