
When the evil Persian prime minister Haman decreed that all Jews should be slaughtered, Mordecai...

Jacob's heart was broken to say good-bye to his son Benjamin, but he must permit him to go to Egypt...

Jacob's heart was broken to say good-bye to his son Benjamin, but he must permit him to go to Egypt...

When the herdsmen of Abram and Lot quarreled about pastureland, Abram offered Lot the best...

When the Jews returned from exile in Babylon and Persia, they were filled with both joy and...


When the Jews returned from exile in Babylon and Persia, they were filled with both joy and...

The birth of Benjamin was a time of joy and sorrow--joy that a new son, held by the midwife, was...

The birth of Benjamin was a time of joy and sorrow--joy that a new son, held by the midwife, was...

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