Description: Baskets - Egyptian.
Description: Baskets - Egypt.
Description: A basket of Bible-time foods.
Description: A basket of Bible-time foods.
Description: Turkish baskets.
Description: Man with basket of food.
Description: Man with basket of food.
Description: Pumpkin-shaped basket, Island of Hawaii, Hawaii.
Description: Paul escaping Damascus in a basket.
Description: A basket of grapes.
Description: A basket of grapes.
Description: Basket with rake, Japan.
Description: Finding baby Moses in the Nile river.
Description: Souvenir tea baskets at a tea farm near Hangzhou, China.
Description: Baskets such as these may have held the scraps when Jesus fed the 5,000.
Description: Little Egyptian girls loved to play with trinkets, which they kept in a covered basket. This is a...
Description: Little Egyptian girls loved to play with trinkets, which they kept in a covered basket. This is a...
Description: Chinese woman displaying a basket of tea leaves at a tea farm near Hangzhou, China.
Description: Hebron, bag of dried tomatoes.
Description: Cappadocia, donkey cart and donkey.
Description: Bullrushes, a form of reed that grew along the Nile River. Moses' mother hid her baby's basket...
Description: Plants - reeds.
Description: Fish, near Smyrna, Turkey- God called into being every kind of living creature to inhabit the...
Description: Pharoah's daughter finds Moses.
Description: Jesus spoke to Saul on the way to Damascus, changing him from a murderous Pharisee to a devout...