
Jesus said it is as hard for a rich person to enter heaven as for a camel to go through a needle's...

Solomon was one of the wealthiest of the ancient kings. Part of his wealth came from a fleet of...

Solomon was one of the wealthiest of the ancient kings. Part of his wealth came from a fleet of...

Solomon was one of the wealthiest of the ancient kings. Part of his wealth came from a fleet of...

Solomon was one of the wealthiest of the ancient kings. Part of his wealth came from a fleet of...

The rich fool in Jesus' parable was not only rich and a fool, but very greedy and covetous. He...

King Saul chased David, hoping to kill him. In a lonely cave, David cut off a piece of Saul's robe....

King Saul chased David, hoping to kill him. In a lonely cave, David cut off a piece of Saul's robe....


King Saul was chasing David, hoping to kill him. One night, David sneaked into Saul's camp and took...

King Saul was chasing David, hoping to kill him. One night, David sneaked into Saul's camp and took...

King Saul was chasing David, hoping to kill him. One night, David sneaked into Saul's camp and took...

King Saul was chasing David, hoping to kill him. One night, David sneaked into Saul's camp and took...

Jesus spoke much about debts and debtors, and the need for us to show mercy and forgiveness to...

Jesus spoke much about debts and debtors, and the need for us to show mercy and forgiveness to...

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