Description: God promises the return of the exiles through many of his prophets. The vast Medo-Persian Empire...
Description: Despite Judah's few good kings and timely reforms, the people never truly changed. Their evil...
Description: Destruction was certain for Asyria. Finally the sins of Israel's people caught up with them. God...
Description: Babylon conquered Assyria and became the new world power. The Babylonian army marched into...
Description: God told Jonah to go to Nineveh, the capital of the Assyrian Empire. Many of Jonah's countrymen had...
Description: After the Israelites were deported, foreigners from the Assyrian Empire were sent to resettle the...
Description: Nehemiah worked in Susa as a personal assistant for the king of the vast Medo-Persian Empire. When...
Description: Caesar's decree for a census of the entire Roman Empire made it necessary for Joseph and Mary to...
Description: Philippi sat on the Egnatian Way, the main transportation route in Macedonia, an extension of the...
Description: Esther lived in the capital of the vast Medo-Persian Empire, which incorporated the provinces of...
Description: Paul left Athens and traveled on to Corinth, one of the greatest commercial centers of the empire,...
Description: Haggai and Zechariah were present at the rebuilding of the Temple of God during the time of Ezra...
Description: Lydia city of wealth.
Description: Lydia city of wealth.
Description: Lydia city of wealth.
Description: Lydia city of wealth.
Description: Lydia city of wealth.
Description: Lydia city of wealth.
Description: Lydia city of wealth.
Description: Lydia city of wealth.
Description: The apostle Paul traveled tremendous distances as he tirelessly spread the gospel across much of...
Description: The mighty Assyrian Empire extended from the Persian Gulf, across the Fertile Crescent, and south...
Description: Cappadocia was the largest province of Asia Minor, located in what is today eastern Turkey. It...
Description: Cappadocia was the largest province of Asia Minor, located in what is today eastern Turkey. It...
Description: Cappadocia was the largest province of Asia Minor, located in what is today eastern Turkey. It...