
The Roman soldiers were preparing to flog Paul when he warned them that he was a Roman citizen and...

Elijah the Prophet had warned the evil Ahab, king of Israel, that his son would suffer for his...

When the priest in charge of the Temple, a man named Pashur, heard Jeremiah prophesying, he had him...

When the priest in charge of the Temple, a man named Pashur, heard Jeremiah prophesying, he had him...

Elijah the Prophet had warned the evil Ahab, king of Israel, that his son would suffer for his...

When the priest in charge of the Temple, a man named Pashur, heard Jeremiah prophesying, he had him...

When the priest in charge of the Temple, a man named Pashur, heard Jeremiah prophesying, he had him...

Why don't you show us some miracle? some Pharisees and teachers of the law demanded one day. Jesus...

Why don't you show us some miracle? some Pharisees and teachers of the law demanded one day. Jesus...

Jesus told a parable about a pearl merchant who found the greatest pearl of all, the pearl of great...

Jesus told a parable about a pearl merchant who found the greatest pearl of all, the pearl of great...

Jesus told a parable about a pearl merchant who found the greatest pearl of all, the pearl of great...

Jesus told a parable about a pearl merchant who found the greatest pearl of all, the pearl of great...

Jesus told a parable about a pearl merchant who found the greatest pearl of all, the pearl of great...


Jesus told a parable about a pearl merchant who found the greatest pearl of all, the pearl of great...

Jesus told a parable about a pearl merchant who found the greatest pearl of all, the pearl of great...

Jesus told a parable about a pearl merchant who found the greatest pearl of all, the pearl of great...

Solomon was one of the wealthiest of the ancient kings. Part of his wealth came from a fleet of...

Solomon was one of the wealthiest of the ancient kings. Part of his wealth came from a fleet of...

Solomon was one of the wealthiest of the ancient kings. Part of his wealth came from a fleet of...

Solomon was one of the wealthiest of the ancient kings. Part of his wealth came from a fleet of...

Jesus said it is as hard for a rich person to enter heaven as for a camel to go through a needle's...

The rich fool in Jesus' parable was not only rich and a fool, but very greedy and covetous. He...

When David sinned against Bath-sheba and her husband Uriah, God sent the Prophet Nathan to tell...

When David sinned against Bath-sheba and her husband Uriah, God sent the Prophet Nathan to tell...

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