Description: 1. Mcraena (Muraena Helena) 2. Long-Headed Barbel (Barbus Longiceps) 3. Sheat-Fish (Silurus...
Description: 1. Sucking-Fish (Echeneis Remora) 2. Tunny (Thynnus Thynnus) 3. Coryphene (Coryphaena Hippuris).
Description: Fish of Egypt and Palestine 1. Nile Perch 2. Surmulletm 3. Star-Gazer.
Description: The Fish Christian symbol backgrounds.
Description: The Fish Christian symbol backgrounds.
Description: Ixthus Symbol.
Description: The miraculous catch of fish.
Description: Fishing boats at Smyrna, Turkey (modern Izmir), seaport on the western coast of ancient Asia Minor....
Description: Fish, Sea of Galilee, one form of Pygmy fish.
Description: Fish - Sea of Galilee, one form of Tilapia or Peter's Fish.
Description: Fish - Sea of Galilee, one form of Tilapia or Peter's Fish.
Description: Fish - Sea of Galilee, one form of Pygmy.
Description: Fish nets - lead weights.
Description: Some of Jesus' closest disciples were fishermen on the Sea of Galilee, using boats and nets much...
Description: Some of Jesus' closest disciples were fishermen on the Sea of Galilee, using boats and nets much...
Description: Some of Jesus' closest disciples were fishermen on the Sea of Galilee, using boats and nets much...
Description: Some of Jesus' closest disciples were fishermen on the Sea of Galilee, using boats and nets much...
Description: Fish, near Smyrna, Turkey- God called into being every kind of living creature to inhabit the...
Description: Multi-colored fish at Maui Ocean Center, Maui, Hawaii.
Description: Multi-colored fish at Maui Ocean Center, Maui, Hawaii.
Description: Multi-colored fish at Maui Ocean Center, Maui, Hawaii.
Description: Multi-colored fish at Maui Ocean Center, Maui, Hawaii.
Description: Multi-colored fish at Maui Ocean Center, Maui, Hawaii.
Description: Multi-colored fish at Maui Ocean Center, Maui, Hawaii.
Description: Multi-colored fish at Maui Ocean Center, Maui, Hawaii.