Description: Paul finally visited Rome while a captive awaiting his trial before Caesar. The letter to the...
Description: Paul's first missionary journey.
Description: Paul's second missionary journey.
Description: Paul's third missionary journey covered much of the land of Greece.
Description: Paul brought news of his third journey to the elders of the Jerusalem church, who rejoiced at his...
Description: The apostle Paul traveled tremendous distances as he tirelessly spread the gospel across much of...
Description: Paul and Silas set out on a second missionary journey to visit the cities Paul had preached in...
Description: What prompted Paul's third journey may have been the need to correct any misunderstandings in the...
Description: The prodigal son departs.
Description: Apollonia wagon.
Description: Apollonia wagon.
Description: Apollonia wagon.
Description: Apollonia.
Description: Apollonia.
Description: Apollonia wagon.
Description: Apollonia Church.
Description: Apollonia sheep.
Description: Apollonia.
Description: Apollonia wagon.
Description: Apollonia wagon.
Description: Apollonia Sheep.
Description: Apollonia wagon.
Description: Apollonia.
Description: Apollonia.
Description: Apollonia.