
  Luke 9:28
And it came to pass about an eight days after these sayings, he took Peter and John and James, and went up into a mountain to pray.
Luke 9:29
And as he prayed, the fashion of his countenance was altered, and his raiment was white and glistering.
Luke 9:30
And, behold, there talked with him two men, which were Moses and Elias:
Luke 9:31
Who appeared in glory, and spake of his decease which he should accomplish at Jerusalem.
Luke 9:32
But Peter and they that were with him were heavy with sleep: and when they were awake, they saw his glory, and the two men that stood with him.

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Jesus is transfigured on a mountain. Moses and Elijah join him, while Peter, James and John...

Jesus is transfigured on a mountain. Moses and Elijah join him, while Peter, James and John...

Jesus is transfigured on a mountain. Moses and Elijah join him, while Peter, James and John...

Jesus is transfigured on a mountain. Moses and Elijah join him, while Peter, James and John...

Peter, James and John were permitted to see Jesus transfigured, shining in heavenly radiance as He...

Throughout the wilderness journey, Moses talked to the Lord, often begging Him for help in leading...

Jesus took His three closest disciples with Him into the mountain where He would be transfigured,...

The Pool of Siloam at Jerusalem. Jesus sent the blind man here to wash and be healed.

Ruins of the Pool of Bethesda in Jerusalem, where Jesus healed a lame man.

Ruins of the Pool of Bethesda in Jerusalem, where Jesus healed a lame man.

Pool of Siloam, where Jesus healed a blind man.

Pool of Siloam, where Jesus healed a blind man.

Pool of Siloam, where Jesus healed a blind man.

Good Samaritan story showing the priest and Levite passing by.


A stone arch at the ruins of the Pool of Bethesda in Jerusalem, where Jesus healed a lame man.

Basilica of the Agony, traditional site of the Garden of Gethsemane on the Mount of Olives where...

On the night before His crucifixion, Jesus prayed in the Garden of Gethsemane (Matthew 26:30,36-46;...

Large rock behind the Basilica of the Agony, traditional site of the Garden of Gethsemane on the...

Seleucia - seaport for Antioch of Syria; Paul sailed from here and back on his First Missionary...

The Basilica of the Agony, traditional site of the Garden of Gethsemane, where Jesus prayed.

The Mount of Olives, looking from Jerusalem, with the Basilica of the Agony, traditional site where...

Basilica of the Agony, on the Mount of Olives, is the traditional site of the Garden of Gethsemane,...

Jesus heals ten men with leprosy, but only one returns to thank him -- Luke 17: 11-19.

Jesus heals ten men with leprosy, but only one returns to thank him -- Luke 17: 11-19.

Jesus heals ten men with leprosy, but only one returns to thank him -- Luke 17: 11-19.

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