
Jesus was angry that the moneychangers and merchants had turned the Temple, God's house, into a den...

The evil King Ahab of Israel wanted Naboth's vineyard next to his palace, but Naboth did not want...

The evil King Ahab of Israel wanted Naboth's vineyard next to his palace, but Naboth did not want...

The evil King Ahab of Israel wanted Naboth's vineyard next to his palace, but Naboth did not want...

The evil King Ahab of Israel wanted Naboth's vineyard next to his palace, but Naboth did not want...


The evil King Ahab of Israel wanted Naboth's vineyard next to his palace, but Naboth did not want...

The evil King Ahab of Israel wanted Naboth's vineyard next to his palace, but Naboth did not want...

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