
Israel, Ashkelon, Askelon, Ascalon, Canaanite, Philistines, judges 1: 18, judges 14: 19, 2 samuel 1: 20, zephaniah 2: 4, zechariah 9: 5, archaeology, artifacts, antiquity, Ruin, remains, ruins
Before the conquest of the Promised Land, Ashkelon (Askelon or Ascalon) was a Canaanite city. The tribe of Judah conquered Ashkelon shortly after the death of Joshua (Judges 1: 18), but then lost it to the Philistines. It became one of the five key Philistine cities. The other four were Gaza, Gath, Ashdod, and Ekron. It is mentioned in Samson's time as a Philistine city (Judges 14: 19). David mentions Ashkelon when he lamented Saul's death (2 Samuel 1: 20). Two prophets foretold its destruction (Zephaniah 2: 4 and Zechariah 9: 5). Ashkelon was the birthplace of Herod the Great and the residence of his sister Salome. Excavations at Ashkelon have revealed many period of history.
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V. Gilbert and Arlisle F. Beers

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