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When Mary and Joseph were pledged, or "betrothed" to be married, they lived in Nazareth. The Angel Gabriel appeared here to Mary, to announce to her the birth of Jesus. The angel also appeared to Joseph, to assure him that the baby was truly of God. When Augustus Caesar issued his famous tax decree, Mary and Joseph had to leave Nazareth to go to Bethlehem to register for the tax census. From there, they fled from Herod's murder of the babies, living in Egypt for awhile. At last they returned to Nazareth, where Joseph worked as a carpenter, and Jesus learned the carpenter's trade under Joseph's guidance. When Jesus preached to his fellow townsmen in the synagogue, they drove Him to the Mount of Precipitation where they tried to kill Him.
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047_01_0178_Nazareth Copyright: V. Gilbert and Arlisle F. Beers Active Keyword: nazareth |