
Hannah, Samuel, Eli, tabernacle, 1 samuel 1: 21--2: 11, Dedication, dedicate, dedicates, dedicated, dedicating, dedications, gives, gave, giving, given, giver, giver's, givers', serve, serves, served, serving, service, servant, servant's, servants'
Hannah gives the boy Samuel to the high priest Eli, so that Samuel can serve in the tabernacle -- 1 Samuel 1: 21--2: 11. This shows Hannah's dedication to God, her great sense of giving, and Samuel's service to God.
Topical Chain Research
Hannah, Samuel, Eli, tabernacle, 1 samuel 1: 21--2: 11, Dedication, dedicate, dedicates, dedicated, dedicating, dedications, gives, gave, giving, given, giver, giver's, givers', serve, serves, served, serving, service, servant, servant's, servants', serviceability, attendant, retainer, helper, hireling, dependent, menial, domestic, drudge, slave, agent, deputy, minister, inferior, subordinate, help, assistant, employee, hand, servitor, orderly, benefit, advantage, avail, profit, work for, act, function, officiate, suffice, suit, care for, wait on, advance, encourage, foster, further, promote, treat, deal with, handle, play, use, subservient, labor, toil, give aid, assist, attend, follow, accept, agree, accommodate, contribute to, oblige, succor, better, improve, facilitate, hasten, expedite, speed, cooperate, prosper, uphold, endorse, favor, bolster, enhance, disburden, dispatch, exercise, enlist, enroll, join, prosecute, transact, practice, satisfy, content, Revere, Venerate, Reverence, obey, dressed, prepared, offered, apportioned, dealt, furnished, supplied, provided, action, combat, courtesy, Dispensation, indulgence, kindness, rite, ceremonial, ceremony, formality, observance, ritual, account, applicability, appropriateness, fitness, relevance, usefulness, Worship, maintain, sustain, preserve, keep safe, utility, welfare, good, interest, benefaction, tabernacles, givers, services, Servants, retainers, helpers, dependents, drudges, slaves, deputies, ministers, subordinates, helps, employees, Hands, profits, suits, treats, handles, plays, uses, labors, toils, speeds, favors, dispatches, exercises, practices, contents, reverences, combats, courtesies, indulgences, kindnesses, rites, ceremonies, formalities, observances, rituals, fitnesses, utilities, welfares, goods, interests
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