
Pearl, greatest, best, finest, Parable, merchant, sell, Sold, matthew 13: 45-46, priority, price, priced, pricing, priceless, value, valued, valuing, valuable, valuation, cherished, prized, treasured, expenditure, outlay, expense, cost
Jesus told a parable about a pearl merchant who found the greatest pearl of all, the pearl of great price, and sold all that he had to buy it. He gave up everything to get the best, symbolic of what we should do in our lives for Jesus, the true pearl of great price -- Matthew 13: 45-46.
Topical Chain Research
Pearl, greatest, best, finest, Parable, merchant, sell, Sold, matthew 13: 45-46, priority, price, priced, pricing, priceless, value, valued, valuing, valuable, valuation, cherished, prized, treasured, expenditure, outlay, expense, cost, worth, appraisement, disbursement, appraisal, reckoning, payment, amount, estimate, output, pay, prize, compensation, recompense, remuneration, inestimable, invaluable, precious, peerless, incomparable, irreplaceable, costly, high-priced, expensive, incalculable, exquisite, rare, extraordinary, saleable, marketable, dear, of value, scarce, important, worthy, Rich, lavish, extravagant, sumptuous, golden, admirable, esteemed, choice, desirable, fine, agreeable, pleasing, excellent, superior, select, inimitable, matchless, capital, useful, advantageous, serviceable, profitable, beneficial, helpful, gainful, good, favorable, effective, operative, active, effectual, suitable, profit, equivalent, rate, charge, assessment, use, usefulness, utility, benefit, advantage, esteem, estimation, desirability, preference, exchangeability, merit, significance, consequence, goodness, condition, State, excellence, distinction, grade, finish, perfection, eminence, superiority, power, regard, importance, Mark, caliber, repute, force, meaning, import, sense, purpose, bearing, account, quality, stature, virtue, consideration, appreciation, greatness, authority, prestige, standing, apprize, compute, weigh, balance, judge, adjudge, rank, count, reckon, treasure, cherish, Respect, Admire, figure, assay, evaluate, survey, consider, enumerate, ascertain, pearls, parables, merchants, priorities, prices, values, valuables, valuations, expenditures, outlays, expenses, costs, reckonings, payments, estimates, outputs, prizes, compensations, dears, worthies, choices, fines, capitals, goods, profits, rates, charges, uses, utilities, esteems, estimations, preferences, merits, significances, consequences, conditions, states, distinctions, grades, finishes, perfections, eminences, powers, regards, marks, forces, meanings, imports, senses, purposes, qualities, statures, virtues, considerations, greatnesses, standings, Balances, Judges, ranks, counts, treasures, respects, figures, surveys
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V. Gilbert and Arlisle F. Beers

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