
Cana, Galilee, Greek, church, Israel, Jesus', miracle, water, wine, Kefr, kenna, qana, Khirbet, Lebanon, traditional, greeks, Churches, miracles, waters, wines
The little town of Cana was the scene of Jesus' first miracle--turning water into wine (John 2: 1-11). He visited Cana again (John 4: 46). Cana was also the home of Nathanael (John 21: 2). The traditional site of Bible-time Cana is the little village of Kefr Kenna, about four miles northeast of Nazareth. Images here are from this place. Some believe the village of Qana, sometimes called Khirbet Qana, in present-day Lebanon, is the site of Bible-time Cana. A Greek church, shown in these images, stands over one traditional site for Jesus' first miracle, at Kefr Kenna.
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V. Gilbert and Arlisle F. Beers

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