
amalek, amalekites, Jacob, esau, 1 samuel 15, enemy, enmity, disobey, disobeys, disobeyed, disobeying, disobedient, disobedience, disobediently, combatant, invader, contender, emulator, foe, rival, antagonist, adversary, opponent, attacker, detractor, backbiter
Family feuds die slowly. Amalek was a grandson of Esau. The Israelites were descendants of Jacob, Esau's twin brother. The twin brothers were estranged for twenty years because Jacob stole Esau's birthright from him. Through the years to follow, the Amalekites were bitter enemies of the Israelites, tormenting them. Thus Saul was commanded to destroy the Amalekites completely, but disobeyed the Lord (1 Samuel 15).
Topical Chain Research
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V. Gilbert and Arlisle F. Beers

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