
Ezra, read, Reading, reads, nehemiah 9:6-38, law of god, book of the law, Scripture, bible, Pray, prays, prayed, praying, prayer, prayerful, prayerfulness, confess, confesses, confessed, confessing, confession, beg, appeal, beseech, entreat, implore
When the people listened to Ezra read the Law of God or Book of the Law, the Scriptures at that time, they prayed and confessed their sins (Nehemiah 9:6-38).
Topical Chain Research
Ezra, read, Reading, reads, nehemiah 9:6-38, law of god, book of the law, Scripture, bible, Pray, prays, prayed, praying, prayer, prayerful, prayerfulness, confess, confesses, confessed, confessing, confession, beg, appeal, beseech, entreat, implore, importune, plead, supplicate, petition, solicit, call upon, adjure, invoke, request, conjure, imprecate, urge, press, besiege, apply to, crave, bid, supplication, entreaty, suit, importunity, imploration, imprecation, solicitation, postulation, invocation, application, plea, requisition, address, Praise, Adoration, Thanksgiving, intercession, devout, given to prayer, religious, devotional, reverent, pious, solemn, lowly-minded, fervent, heavenly-minded, holy, reverential, godly, humble, pietistic, orthodox, concede, disclose, acknowledge, admit, allow, certify, endorse, recognize, grant, accept, own, avow, let on, relate, narrate, level with, go to confession, be shriven, receive absolution, humble oneself, announce, State, make a clean breast, plead guilty, spill, come clean, divulge, reveal, lay bare, expose, bring to light, let into the secret, breathe, confide to, utter, vent, speak out, communicate, blurt out, make known, profess, declare, repent, be sorry for, acknowledgment of guilt, admission, of fault, avowal of error, declaration, disclosure, revelation, divulgence, utterance, publication, exposure, expose', apology, self-reproach, penance, sackcloth and ashes, remission of sins, self-accusation, compunction, contrition, remorse, penitence, regret, concession, allowance, assenting, owning up, Revealing, affirmation, assertion, unbosoming, telling, recitation, statement, readings, Scriptures, bibles, prayers, confessions, petitions, requests, urges, presses, bids, supplications, entreaties, suits, solicitations, invocations, pleas, requisitions, praises, thanksgivings, intercessions, grants, states, spills, vents, declarations, revelations, utterances, publications, exposures, penances, regrets, concessions, recitations, statements
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V. Gilbert and Arlisle F. Beers

Active Keyword: Ezra

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