
Elisha, prophet, miracle, help, helped, helping, helpful, helpfully, helpfulness, helpless, helper, helper's, helpers', assist, aid, succor, relieve, support, uphold, sustain, Second, encourage, advise, befriend, abet, foster
Elisha the Prophet worked many miracles, so many people came to him for help.
Topical Chain Research
Elisha, prophet, miracle, help, helped, helping, helpful, helpfully, helpfulness, helpless, helper, helper's, helpers', assist, aid, succor, relieve, support, uphold, sustain, Second, encourage, advise, befriend, abet, foster, cooperate, nurture, nourish, maintain, prop, incite, instigate, countenance, favor, benefit, stand by, intercede for, comfort, hand, lift, relief, assistant, attendant, benefactor, improve, ameliorate, amend, better, good, advantageous, beneficial, brave, favorable, favoring, propitious, toward, useful, advice, cooperation, guidance, maintenance, sustenance, nourishment, patronize, accommodate, work for, back up, bolster, cheer, promote, endorse, sanction, back, advocate, stimulate, further, correct, ease, apprentice, secretary, valuable, important, significant, crucial, essential, serviceable, invaluable, profitable, convenient, suitable, practical, effectual, usable, accessible, applicable, desirable, instrumental, contributive, restorative, backing, encouragement, Charity, ministry, ministration, advance, protection, championship, almsgiving, Blessing, welfare, grace, ally, helpmate, partner, colleague, companion, subsidiary, adherent, handmaiden, co-worker, consort, adjunct, comforter, patron, associate, accomplice, friend, accessory, workfellow, servant, worker, workman, remedy, cure, Healing, resource, unite, combine, stick by, subsidize, prosper, facilitate, smooth, quicken, hasten, expedite, enhance, save, Deliver, rescue, free, release, redeem, ransom, extricate, emancipate, alleviate, uplift, make whole, inspire, rehabilitate, refresh, recreate, revive, rejuvenate, solace, soothe, gladden, hearten, assuage, salve, enhearten, reassure, defenseless, unprotected, powerless, impotent, feeble, unable, invalid, incapable, unfit, inexpert, Weak, dependent, infirm, disabled, prostrate, paralyzed, palsied, lame, crippled, spent, exhausted, enervated, debilitated, faint, incurable, exposed, outcast, destitute, Abandoned, friendless, forsaken, unarmed, vulnerable, unguarded, aidless, fatherless, naked, neglected, deserted, unaided, forlorn, adrift, unsupported, unfortified, inadequate, spineless, incompetent, inefficient, unqualified, Empty, inept, inapt, barren, prophets, miracles, helps, helpers, supports, seconds, props, countenances, favors, comforts, Hands, lifts, goods, maintenances, sustenances, nourishments, cheers, sanctions, backs, secretaries, valuables, essentials, encouragements, charities, ministries, protections, championships, blessings, welfares, graces, partners, colleagues, companions, consorts, patrons, Friends, Servants, workers, workmen, remedies, cures, Resources, combines, rescues, releases, ransoms, solaces, salves, dependents, outcasts
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V. Gilbert and Arlisle F. Beers

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