
rites of sanctification, rite, sanctification, animal for sacrifice, Hyssop, sprinkle blood, altar, sacrifice on altar, wave offering, heave offering, ram's meat, aaron's ear, blood on altar, burning meat, rites, Altars
Rites of Sanctification: Top row, from left to right: killing the animal for the sacrifice, pot with blood into which hyssop was dipped to sprinkle blood on the altar, sprinkling blood on garments, burning the sacrifice on the altar, wave or heave offering, and ram's meat to be boiled at the door of the Tabernacle. Bottom row, from left to right: smearing blood on Aaron's ear, sprinkling blood on altar, Moses puts meat and bread and wafer into Aaron's hands to be waved, giving priests their portion of the meat, and burning parts of the meat.
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V. Gilbert and Arlisle F. Beers

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